The BoBoiBoy series is a 3D animated series in the genre of boy action and comedy. It features the adventure of a group of super kids fighting against the aliens who are invading earth for cocoa beans. The series is currently broadcasted in 44 countries and is highly rated.
Product description:
- 3D animated series in the genre of boy action and comedy.
- An adventure of a group of super kids fighting against the aliens who are invading earth for cocoa beans.
- With entertaining stories and memorable characters.
- Currently broadcasted in 44 countries.
- Highly rated in Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, and Vietnam. Other territories data not yet acquired.
- Huge L&M potential as currently merchandises only available in Malaysia only.
We are looking for:
- Product licensees, licensing agency, promotional agency (premiums).
- Product manufacturers and suppliers.
- Retailers.
- Product licensing, promotional licensing and event licensing.
- Cartoon character for apparel, homeware, footware, bedding, toys, children sports equipment, play card, paper products, stationery, back to school product etc.