This BS plug features 2 horizontal flat pins for the line and neutral, and a large vertical pin for grounding. The line and neutral pins on the plug have insulated sleeves to prevent finger contact. The plug can be used in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malaysia, and many British overseas territories.
- Suitable cables: H03VV-V0.5/2,0.75/2,0.5/3,0.75/3, H03VVH2-F0.75/2,H05VV-F0.75/2,1.0/2,1.5/2,0.75/3,1.0/3,1.5/3 and H05VVH2-F0.75/2,1.0/2,05VV-F1.25/2,1.25/3,H03RT-H 3 x0.75,H05RN-F 3x1.0.
- Other designs are available.