Category | Name | parameters |
Hardware parameters | Platform | Qualcomm Cortex A73+ Qualcomm Cortex A53 |
CPU | Qualcomm Snapdragon 6125 8 core | |
Dominant frequency | 4*2.0G + 4*1.8G | |
RAM | DDR3 4GB /8G | |
Internal storage space | 64GB /128G | |
4G LTE | Qualcomm Snapdragon 6125 | |
MCU | RTL8761BTV | |
Navigation chip | Qualcomm Snapdragon 6125 | |
Bluetooth chip | RTL8761BTV | |
GPS Navigation | Qualcomm Snapdragon 6125 | |
WiFi | Qualcomm Snapdragon 6125 | |
System | Android | 12.0 |
Wireless car play and android auto | Built-in | |
WIFI | Built-in 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, 2.4G+5G | |
4G Internet | Built-in | |
WIFI hotspot to get to the Internet | Default (through the mobile WIFI hotspot to get to the Internet) | |
APP update online | Default | |
Mobile electronic dog | Default (the third-party software) | |
Handwriting input | Default (the third-party software) | |
Multi-touch | Default (support the web, picture, map zoom gesture) | |
Game function | Default (the Android APP Game of unlimited downloads) | |
SD | Default (audio/video) | |
Bluetooth | Default (support HFP,HSP,FTP,OBE,OPP,SPP,A2DP) | |
Bluetooth phone | Default | |
Bluetooth phone book | Default | |
Bluetooth music | Default | |
Music player | Default | |
1080P HD Video playback | Default | |
Download Network player | Default | |
Network Digital radio system | Support | |
GPS Navigation | Default (support multiple maps: google/Igo/NaviOne etc) | |
Multiple lauguage | Default | |
APP Game of unlimited downloads | Default | |
Main interface plug-in APP sofeware | Default | |
Dynamic background | Default | |
Dynamic operation interface | Default | |
Positioning system | Support | |
surrounding | Voltage | 5V |
Operating temperature | -30℃—80℃ | |
Input output Port | USB | Type C |
TF card | The biggest support 32G | |
audio & video parameters | Audio formats | FLAC,APE,MP3,WAV,WMA,OGG,MID,AAC,RM,LFAC ,support all format |
1080P HD Video formats | MPEG-1/2/4、H264、H263、VC1、RV、RMVB、DivX、Sorenson SparK、Spark、VP8、AVS Stream | |
Support the picture types | BMP,JPG,PNG,GIF,ICO,TIF,TGGA,PCX ,JPEG etc | |
Support for text types | TXT,DOC,XLS |