AC Voltage: 6~60~600v
DC Voltage: 600m~6~60~600v
AC Current: 600µ~6000µ~60m~600m~6~10A
DC Current: 600µ~6000µ~60m~600m~6~10A
Resistance: 600~6k~60k~600k~6m~60mΩ
Frequency: 9.999~99.99~999.9~9.999k~99.99k~999.9k~9.999mHz
Capacitance: 40n~400n~4µ~40µ~400µ~4000µF
Temperature: -20~1000℃
Diode: The approximate forward voltage drop of the diode will be displayed
Continuity: The built-in buzzer will sound if the resistance is less than about 20Ω The buzzer will not sound if the ersistance ismore than 150Ω.
Duty Cycle: 5-95%.