Lend your pet an adorable look with this
OPAWZ PET FUNKY COLOR. The coloring in Adorable Pink is created with a non-toxic formula that is 100% animal-friendly for applying on your pet’s hair. Perfect for hair grooming, the magnificent and outstanding color can stay on your pet’s hair for up to 8 washes.
Available in following colors:
- Ardent Orange
- Mystic Purple
- Profound Green
- Glorious Yellow
- Innocent Blue
- Hot Red
- Loyal Brown
- Tender Green
- Adorable Pink
- Mighty Black
- Wear protective gloves to prevent staining of skin. Test on a small patch of fur before proceeding. Shampoo and towel dry. Apply evenly on your desired coat area. Cover area with plastic wrap or foil and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse and dry after.
Note: For coloring limited areas, such as ears or tails, you may apply to dry fur. Results may vary depending on application strength and individual pet’s coat. Coloring results may vary with coat type and breed.
- Safe for dogs over 12 weeks old.
CAUTION: Avoid contact on eyes and mouth and refrain from using it on affected or with open wound skin on pet.
WARNINGS: May cause allergic reactions, pain, or severe itching—if any of these occur, discontinue use immediately and consult a veterinarian.
- Store in a cool, dry place away from excessive heat.
- Colores brillantes, únicos y de moda de 8 lavados harán que sus mascotas se destacan del resto! Los resultados pueden variar según el tipo de pelaje y raza, podrá referirse al logo OPAWZ para coloridos resultados. Completamente no tóxico y suave en el peaje de su mascota!
- Lave con Champú y seque con una toalla. Aplicar uniformemente sobre el area deseada. Cubra el área con film o papel de aluminio y dejar actuar durante 20 minutos. Enjuague y seque.
- Evite el contacto con los ojos y la boca. No usar en animales con piel afectada o en heridas.