Part 1.”Fashion-The Journey never Ends”
- After 38 years in the fashion industry, it is time for some collective recollection and why fashion is such an evergreen industry. The dynamism of this global industry will continually bring more challenges and new developments to satisfy the desires of the changing taste of consumerism.
Part 2.”Science, Arts and technology of Apparel Fit”
- Quality of fit has always been a concern for fashion designers, manufacturers, retailers and consumers. What constitute fit? Since the early Greek philosophers’ interest in the human figure, many have studied the human figure, its dimensions, proportion and how various parts related to others. This has led to the science of anthropometry where the body was measured in a scientific manner, and with application of statistical methods develops the size system. However, the end results may become “historical” as the population profile gets more fluidic.
- In assessing fit, pattern makers and technicians have their own ways of performing their depends very much on their training, experience and “eye-sight” and this can bring about a level of subjectivity that can be disputable even among themselves.
- As far as technology is concerned in apparel fit, we have used the fixed-size dummy for ages. Next came the body scanner that gave us many measurements in a short time. Today, mobile apps are attempting to do this as well.
- An important question arises, who knows the customers best? Answer: it is the BRAND. We need a tool to allow the BRAND to construct their customers’ size range and profiles. The future development in fit technology must provide
(1) A flexible ability to configure the sizes and dimensions required flexibly.
(2) Allow updating as a sustainable tool.
(3) Cover a global market via customization.
(4) Multi-tasking from design, product development to quality control.
(5) A visible training tool in size grading and fit assessment.
(6) Retail and on-line application potential, etc.
The age of robotic mannequin has arrived to bring apparel fit to a new meaning.