Showcased here is a variety of strawberry named Bijinhime, meaning beautiful princess in Japanese. Raised in the fertile soil from Hashima-shi located between Kiso River and Nagar River, this fruit is famous not only because of the giant size but also their color, luster, scent and sweetness. Other than eating alone, it is also great to add them to various desserts like mochi, strawberry cake or fruit sandwich.
岐阜奥田农园的 美人姬是集色香味于一体,单个可以超过100克重的世界绝无仅有的草莓,一年超过100克的只有1000个左右,主要供给世界各国的皇室和贵族。
• Named Bijinhime in Japanese.
• With the fame of giant size, color, luster, scent and sweetness.
• Can weigh over 100 grams for some giant strawberries.
• More than three times large than the 3L-sized strawberries.
• Can be made into deserts like mochi, strawberry cake or fruit sandwich.