Plus 1 is one industrial grade DLP-3D printer, which has big molding size, high precision and great surface quality. It has simple operation, which can assist small casting device, and in other words, it can be used to make jewelries in small batch.
Plus 1 has adopted specialized high-definition projection optical engine, and the definition is 1080p (1920×1080). It has high uniformity of illumination which can ensure stable molding at each location of molding plane. Highly stable LED UV light source is used, and the service life can reach 20000 hours which can ensure reliable molding during the printing process.
The molding size is bigger, which can reach 96(X)×54(Y)×100(Z)mm multiple models or big-size model can be printed, and 30 models can be printed every 3 hours. The X/Y molding precision is 50pm, the thickness of Z axis layer is 0. 025-0. 05 mm, and a height of 6-12mm can be printed every hour.