Lepsinsk Өnimi LLP was founded in 2016. The company is engaged in the production, packaging and wholesale-retail sale of the product under the brand "Lepsinsky natural honey". It is an environmentally friendly product with a unique taste and rich aroma. Variety - mountain motley grass. In the composition - several hundred kinds of herbs and medicinal plants: cossack, oregano, angelica, dog rose, kipreja, jusai, raspberry, apple tree, St. John's wort, sage, mint and others. It is a natural product that has not undergone any thermal treatments. It is a natural product that has not undergone any thermal treatments. Lepsinsk - a village in the Alakol district of the Almaty region in the mountains of the Dzungarian Alatau with a rich plant and animal world. Local honey in the last century was regularly supplied to the royal table in St. Petersburg, and in 1913 was recognized as the standard of the best honey in the world. Beekeeping today is one of the main activities of the population. Hereditary beekeepers preserve the traditions of obtaining honey without using any chemicals, additives and sweeteners. And at the factory, they simply carefully pour and pack the product to deliver to the table connoisseurs. Honey is presented in three types of packaging - glass jars, natural lime kegs and gift boxes.