BC-30 AIBO (Robotic)
Substation UV+IR+VIS Inspection Automation
BC-30 AIBO is an intelligent robotic corona detecting tool with UV, IR and VIS multiple spectrum imaging systems integrated with robot (ROB) and robot dog (AIBO). It can simultaneously detect the invisible corona of the human eye or the faint UV rays radiated by the partial discharge of the surface. The IR rays emitted by the current heating and the high-definition VIS 24 hours a day perform real-time positioning observation and quantitative indication through the image. The intelligent inspection management platform includes a smart robot body, robot self-management system, inspection management system, and remote centralized control management system. Personnel deployment, reliability of results, fault handling, information exchange, operation and maintenance efficiency make all power defects nowhere to hide.
We can load our UV Camera set on the robot wheel (30-ROB) and robot dog (30-ROB-AIBO). The bundle package will give a hassle-free turnkey solution for your robotic project. You may also recruit your choice of robots to match our camera system as a custom option.