*100% drugs free, patches contains Far Infrared Ray and effective bio information codes to strengthen intraocular and extra ocular muscles functions, correcting presbyopia, myopia, glaucoma, and other vision problems.
*Reduces intraocular pressure.
*Enhances blood circulation and fluid dynamics in the eye.
*Prevents glaucoma and cataracts.
*Certified by the China Association of Research & Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the World Federation of Acupuncture Moxibustion Society as effective bio-signal, non-invasive therapeutic products.
*Internationally accredited by the Nissenken Quality & Evaluation Centre and Beijing National Institute of Metrology to have achieved over 90% Far Infra-red Ray emission rate.
*Certified by the Chinese University of Hong Kong of not containing any hazardous radioactive substances.
*Certified by USA TRA to be safe and contains no allergic substances
*Certified by the HK Standard and Testing Centre to contain no hazardous substances