樺細工:日本工藝大師手工打造,樺(櫻樹皮)細工係指將山櫻樹的外皮仔細地以手工張貼至器皿上的工藝創作方式,乃是源自日本江戶時代(西元 1603~1867年)傳承至今的角館傳統工藝。每一項作品都是純手工精製,因此器皿的表面使用越久,越能顯露光彩,粹練風華。樺細工之所以迷人,第一是因為它可以防潮,用來裝茶葉或咖啡豆非常適合,但更重要的是,因為每一片櫻花樹皮的花紋都不相同、手工也都不相同,師傅的創意跟功力更有著極大差異,因此每一個都是獨一無二的作品,質感非常好,這才是樺細工最吸引人的地方。
Traditional kabazaiku is normally small-scale, and focuses on perfectionist detailing of the usually rounded-shapes made as storage containers for tea and tobacco. Keeping moisture levels relatively constant, the cherry bark acts as a natural insulator against changes in humidity, which is essential in the storage of tea, coffee, chocolate or tobacco leaves, etc. The color is generally dark red, partially from the bark itself, and partially from the tree's sap.