【主治】頭暈目弦 往來寒熱 胸脇苦滿 心煩喜嘔
【功能】扶正祛邪 和胃降逆
- 適合:關注怕冷怕熱 胃脤欲嘔 易怒怕嘈人仕
- 用法:成人口服 飯後服二粒 溫開水送服
- 用量:一日三次 每次二粒
- 禁忌:大便溏洩及脈弱者忌服
- 規格:膠囊每粒0.6 每瓶50粒 淨重30克
This bottle of pills is made with natural Chinese herbs for a mild remedy. The pills help to tackle symptoms associated with the liver. They also help to strengthen the immune system generally.
- Suitable for adults.
- To be taken with warm water.
- 0.6g per capsule.
- 50 capsules per bottle.
- Net weight: 30g.
- Registered Chinese medicine.
- Made in Hong Kong.
- Available in various packages.