QIMA is a quality control services company performing on-site Product Inspections and product testing in China, India, and greater Asia for importers worldwide. We guarantee to have one of our 400+ trained inspectors at any factory in Asia within 48 hours. Create your free account to schedule your Product Inspections and secure your imports.
Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI)
An Inspection to guarantee the conformity of production to your specifications.
Production Monitoring (PM)
Constant oversight in your factory with daily reports on quality and production status.
During Production Check (DUPRO)
Control and recommendations for production processes and capacity.
Initial Production Check (IPC)
Inspection of machinery and materials to be used for your order prior to production.
Container Loading Check (CLC)
Guarantee the finished and packed goods meet your specifications (product type and quantity) and are securely loaded for shipment.
Factory and Social Audits
QIMA is a quality control services company performing Factory and Social Audits in China, India, and greater Asia for importers worldwide. We guarantee to have one of our 400+ trained auditors at any factory in Asia within 48 hours.
Create your free account to schedule your factory and social audit to protect your brand and company image.
Are you sure the factories you work with...
Do not employ children and abide by local labor laws?
Comply with international social, health, and safety standards?
Can reach your production capacity and deliver on time?
Don't have your name in the news next to "Child Labor".
Factory Audits (FA): Comprehensive assessment of the production facilities and organization according to ISO 9000 standards. Confirm your factory has the production capacity and quality to meet your production needs
Social Audits (SA): Confirm compliance with hygiene and safety standards, local labor laws, and child labor policy according to SA 8000.
Laboratory Testing
QIMA is a quality control company performing Laboratory Testing for importers worldwide. QIMA labs follow the strictest international and industry standards across all products, components, and materials.
With our online platform you quickly find all the tests you need. Select your product category, country of manufacture, destination country, and we provide all relevant tests to keep you compliant and protected.
Testing with QIMA allows you to seamlessly integrate your Laboratory Testing with your Product Inspection. Guarantee the sample is from your production lot, not a sample the factory wants you to test.
Certified in the following internationally recognized tests: