Trademarks are becoming important assets of business today; it would not only increase the goodwill of a business, but also brings a better profit with the promotion of business from the trademark. For that reason, it is important to register your trademark for the business to ensure the knowledge and property rights of the trademark are fully protected. The owner of a registered trademark may commence legal proceedings for trademark infringement to prevent unauthorized use of that trademark. The legal actions would then allow the applicant to stop the tort on the trademark with also a possible compensation. Therefore, the best way to protect the goodwill of your business is to register a trademark. We provide the Trademark Registration service in many countries, welcome to contact us!
Service Content:
1. Pre-filing Trademark Search:
The trademark registration is basically run on a “first-serve” basis. Therefore, an application would not be easily accepted if it containing words/figures that have already been registered in other trademarks. In order to simplify the process, the applicant is required to prepare the samples (9cm x 9cm) for a registration search by the tentative opinions or suggested modifications on the samples. Once the sample of the trademark is confirmed, the application can then proceed.
2. Application:
A report will be returned from the Trade Marks Registry within 2-3 months after the submission of application. The restricted items will be clearly shown in the report.
3. Posting on the gazette:
Once the application has been accepted by the Trade Marks Registry, it will be published in the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal for 3 months. Within this 3 months period, anyone can view your trademark and may lodge opposition to it. If no objection is raised within the prescribed time period, then an application can be filed for registration certificate.
A registered trademark is valid for 10 years from the date of registration
Remark: The time of application depends on the specific application for registration vary from country to country. The above is the application schedule in Hong Kong.
一個成功的商標可提高商標持有人的商譽,這不但能帶來豐厚的利潤,亦可為商標持有人推廣業務。為了保障這些知識產權上的權益,商標持有人應替自己的商標權益受到侵權時,申請人可訴法律行動,禁制其侵權行為及追討賠償。因此,最佳保障的方法,便是替自己的商標進行登記。 我們提供多個國家的商標註冊申請服務,歡迎咨詢!
1. 註冊前查冊:
商標註冊原則上是以「先到先得」的形式進行。若你所申請註冊的商標與其他已註冊的商標中所內含的文字或圖象相似,你的申請將不容易接納。有見及此,第一步就是以註冊商標樣本(9cm x 9cm)申報到知識產權處查冊。約3星期後,註冊處回覆初步意見或條訂註冊細則,確定商標式樣後,即正式開始申請。
2. 申請商標:
3. 刊登公報:
有效期: 10年
註: 申請註冊時間視乎具體國家而有所不同。以上是在香港申請註冊商標的時間安排。