Our range of services covers the following areas:
- Formation and registration of companies
- Maintenance of companies’ statutory books and records
- Administration of company board and general meetings
- Provision of services for changing directors, shareholders and company secretary
- Share administration including issues and transfer of shares
- Company restructure exercise
- Liquidation and deregistration of companies
- Preparation of other relevant documents for reporting to the Companies Registry
- 公司成立及註冊
- 整理公司法定文件
- 預備及記錄董事會及股東週年大會會議
- 提供董事、股東及秘書轉名手續
- 股份管理、轉讓及發行
- 公司重組
- 公司清盤及註銷
- 預備向公司註冊處申報之其他相關文件