This rigid mica sheet for heaters consists of Pamica muscovite and phlogopite or alternatively synthetic mica paper, impregnated with high temperature resistant organic silicon resin after the melting and laminating process. The long-run working temperature is 500℃-700℃. This superb rigid mica sheet is widely used as insulating parts for electric toasts, hair dryers, electric irons, curlers, electric hot combs, strip heaters, baseboard heaters, also in other appliances and applications where excellent resistance to moisture is required.
- UL certificate number: E302583.
- Customized designs can be done.
- PB5662: rigid muscovite mica sheet.
- PJ5662: rigid muscovite mica sheet.
- PB5662-L: low smoke rigid muscovite mica sheet, low binder.
- PJ5662-L: low smoke rigid muscovite mica sheet, low binder.
- PB5662-H: high content rigid muscovite mica sheet, high binder, high density, high strength.
- PJ5662-H: high content rigid muscovite mica sheet, high binder, high density, high strength.
- PB5662-G: glossy rigid muscovite mica sheet, smooth surface without spatter.
- PJ5662-G: glossy rigid muscovite mica sheet, smooth surface without spatter.