This product is the powerful grinding and treatment agent for serious blemish on coating surface. When used together with polishing machine and wool wheel with the rotating speed of 1500-1800rmp/min, it can remove creasing surface. GETSUN SUPER RUBBING COMPOUND is heavy cut, machine-applied rubbing compound that can remove sand scratches and severe oxidation layer from acrylic lacquer paint.
The car body of sediment with clean water and wipe dry. Shake well before this product, after the full amount of the sponge evenly opening of the vehicle body. Stubborn stain can be properly, polished to remove the afterburner, 10-15 minutes drying with a dry clean soft towel, wipe the body clean and polished.
Prohibited eating drinking, if splash into eyes or contact to the skin, wash with running clean water immediately then seek medical care. Store in the place where in the absence of direct sunlight and 50 degrees below Celsius, dry place will not be frozen. Keep out of reach of children