General characteristics |
Display | Digit: 4-digit display for measurement, 5-digit display for output |
Display refreshing | Fast (F): 20times/second; slow (S): 5 times/second |
Temperature and humidity range for work | 0~40 ºC, relative humidity ≤85% (without moisture condensation) |
Temperature and humidity range for storage | -20 ºC~60 ºC, relative humidity below 90% (without moisture condensation) |
Temperature and humidity range for guaranteed precision | 23±5ºC, relative humidity below 75% (without moisture condensation) |
Temperature factor | 0.1× basic precision / ℃ (temperature range: <18℃or>28℃) |
Application environment | Indoors, outdoors (non-watertight), altitude of 0~2000m |
Indication of outrange | OL |
On-off / open-circuit test | Buzzer beeps indicate the resistance reading is lower than the threshold, or an open circuit |
Battery type | Three 1.5V (LR6) alkaline batteries |
Service life of batteries | When using alkaline batteries Measuring any parameter: about 100mVA Loop detection function: about 200mVA DC current output (SIMULATE): about 200mVA DC current output (SOURCE) 20mA (1000Ω load): about 1000mVA |
Battery low | It is indicated with a battery mark. |
Automatic shutdown | The meter is automatically shut down after about 5 minutes of no operation. The time can be adjusted. |
Warm-up time | 10 minutes |
Close the meter enclosure calibration | No need for internal adjustment |
Battery cover | For battery replacement, without influencing meter calibration |
Size | 185(L)×90(W)×54(D)mm |
Weight | About 500g |
Calibrating period | 1year |