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Customs and Excise Department - The Government of the HKSAR
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What is AEO iPASS?

AEO iPASS is an online self-assessment tool launched by the Customs and Excise Department (C&ED) under the Hong Kong Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Programme. It enables company which is interested to become a Hong Kong AEO to perform a quick and simple self-assessment on its supply chain security levels and realize its readiness to apply for the AEO status.

How it works?

AEO status is granted in two tiers for local companies having met pre-determined security standards. Participating companies can choose to answer the questions for Tier 1 or Tier 2 status. It takes about 15-20 minutes to answer all questions. Result will come out in three grades indicating the preliminary assessment on the readiness of company to apply for the AEO status.

Overall GradingAEO Readiness
AmberAlmost Ready
RedNot Yet Ready

The final result will also indicate your performance on individual criterion. Professional customs advices will be provided for you to enhance the relevant security standards.

If you are interested in participating in the Hong Kong AEO Programme and learn more about the application procedures, please click here “Application Procedures”.

Please scan the QR code or refer to the link” for further details upon AEO iPASS.

Customs and Excise Department - The Government of the HKSAR

Customs and Excise Department - The Government of the HKSAR

Hong Kong

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