The Kung Fu Masters of The Zodiac Series is a top hit show on CCTV Children’s Channel. It was aired on major channels in Asia, including Nick India, Global TV, MediaCorp's Channel 8. It is also one of the first Chinese animated series aired in CIS (Rustavi 2) and was aired on more than 200 provincial and regional TV channels in China. It is suffused with a wealth of Chinese cultural elements from an era long past. The Sacred Animal represents a 12-month period in the 12-year lunar cycle known as “the Chinese Zodiac”. It features bold, imaginative martial-arts sequences designed to both fascinate and delight.
- Nominated, Italy’s Pulcinella Awards, 2010.
- Japan’s TBS Digicon6 Awards, 2009.
- China’s Golden Dragon Awards, 2009.
- Nominated, Kids’ Jury: MIPJunior 2010.
- Asia Youth Animation & Comics Contest, 2010.
- Winner, Creative Awards, China Animation Association, 2010.
- Featured Selection, Asian Content Exchange: MIPCOM 2010.
- A State Board Selection, Best Chinese Cartoons of 2010.