This digital publishing solution provides digital information services including content production, content management, production release, electronic business, payment methods and other solutions. Digital publishing platforms are mainly used to enhance the distribution of games by developing different transmit platforms and reading terminals, with the implementation of such features as animation, music and other digital media. Imohoo has made contributions to the industries of copyright, animation, IT, media technology, and networks for enterprises and individuals.
- It has also been involved in the production of books, magazines, computer software, architecture design, animation, music, art, literature art and information services.
- Digital publishing specialist: Imohoo has developed all media publishing solutions in close co-operation with eBookHouse Culture, Phoenix Media Group, Nanjing News Group, Xinhua News Group, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and many other well-known publishers.
- With its focus on successful multi-channel data collection and digital information processing, Imohoo is responsible for many high quality information culture products.
- Sophisticated team: we have a variety of platforms and professionals with extensive technical knowledge.
- We develop cross-platform software and provide qualified services to our clients.
- We're your choice: a sophisticated working process, compact technical links, and distinct divisions of responsibility ensure that client feedback concerning our products will be responded to quickly, achieving positive results for both quality and efficiency.