Ori-Princess is an animated cartoon series with 1-104 episodes of 22 minutes each. The first 1-52 episodes were broadcast in 2011 while episodes 53-104 have just been broadcast since 28/9 this year. Once upon a time in China, the crown prince was traveling in his kingdom. During his travels, he fell in love with a peasant girl, and they had a baby daughter. Unfortunately, due to the prince’s obligation in the kingdom, they were separated. Many years later, when the crown prince became the emperor, he decided to reunite with his daughter, who after so many years in the village, was a bit too peasant-like for his liking. The emperor therefore, decided to bring his daughter into the palace to teach her to be more princess-like. However, the new princess already has all the habits and the lifestyle of a peasant girl and therefore her entry into the palace brings a breath of fresh air through the formalities of the royal household.
- Detailed animation.
- Lively story line.