Salaries tax -
We can design tax efficient remuneration packages for company executives that can achieve real tax savings both for the company and the individuals concerned. Effective tax planning for staff at all levels can also significantly enhance a company's ability to retain valuable staff.
Corporate tax -
We can advise on structuring your business to minimise Hong Kong and foreign taxes.
Offshore planning -
We are able to advise companies on the most appropriate group structure, the best domicile and on the establishment of trusts in order to minimise the tax burden.
Tax compliance -
We are experienced in preparing tax computations, completing tax returns and filing these with the Inland Revenue Department on a timely basis. We also ensure that every possible claim is made when preparing the tax computations.
Tax Investigations and field audits -
We can advise clients and liaise with the Inland Revenue to ensure that the tax assessed and penalties are kept to a minimum.