Chesslink Ltd

Hong Kong
Export Agent, Exporter, Manufacturer, Service Company

Company Information

Nature of Business:
Export Agent, Exporter, Manufacturer, Service Company
Major Markets:
Hong Kong
Main Categories:
Business Research, Management, Consultancy & General Services, Consumer Electronics, Education & Training, Festive Supplies, Game Tables, Gifts, Toys & Sports Supplies, Health, Beauty and Baby Care, Home Appliances, Homeware & Lifestyle Essentials, Information Technology, Lights, Marketing & Public Relations, Party Supplies, Printed Matters, Printing & Packaging, Stationery & Office Equipment, Printing & Publishing Service, Printing & Publishing Services, Sports Supplies, Technology, R&D, Watches & Clocks
Number of Staff (HK):
1 - 5
Year of Establishment:


Contact Person:
Mr Leo Wai-Bong Cheng
Import Manager
Office Address:
13 New Street Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Country/ Region:
Hong Kong
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