Hong Kong
Service Company
Our Hong Kong office, through its associated solicitors' firm, provides a wide range of legal services to companies looking to expand in Asia, including regional and international joint ventures, cross-border acquisitions and JVs, private equity investments, tax structuring, company setting-up, intellectual property and employment.
Company Information
Nature of Business:
Service Company
Major Markets:
Africa, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Middle East, Southeast Asia, Western Europe
Main Categories:
Legal Services
Number of Staff (HK):
6 - 10
Year of Establishment:
Company Award/ Qualification
ISO 9001 Certificate
Contact Person:
Mr Nicolas Vanderchmitt
Partner, Head of Hong Kong Office
Office Address:
Rm 2302A, 23/F The Centrium 60 Wyndham Street Central, Hong Kong
Country/ Region:
Hong Kong
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