Melwing (HK) Enterprises Ltd

Hong Kong

Melwing is an import/export Hong Kong base company. We provide various products and services to our clienteles from around the world. Over the years we have help our clients handle a wide variety of products. During this course we have developed many strong and solid long term relationships with many different kinds of manufacturers i.e. toys, games, gift and promotion items, plastic packaging... See more

Company Information

Nature of Business:
Major Markets:
Africa, Australasia, Central & South America, Eastern Europe, Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Middle East, North America, Other Asian Countries, Scandinavia, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Western Europe
Main Categories:
Gift Sets, Gifts, Toys & Sports Supplies
Number of Staff (HK):
1 - 5
Year of Establishment:


Contact Person:
Miss Susan Lam
Sales Manager
Office Address:
Unit 22, 15/F Star Hse 3 Salisbury Rd Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Country/ Region:
Hong Kong
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