Standout Design Limited
Hong Kong
Service Company
standOUT Design Limited is a company which specializes in exhibition designs, stand fabrication and construction. With our high caliber project managers and experienced designers, we aim to convert your Ideas into Reality! In anticipation of future Exhibition Industry growth locally and globally, standOUT ha
diversified into other related industries for better services and ultimately a one-stop... See more
Company Information
Nature of Business:
Service Company
Major Markets:
Africa, Australasia, Central & South America, Eastern Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Middle East, North America, Other Asian Countries, Scandinavia, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Western Europe
Main Categories:
Design Services, Marketing & Public Relations
Number of Staff (HK):
16 - 25
Year of Establishment:
Contact Person:
Ms Kathy Ho
Project Manager
Office Address:
Unit 02, 18/F Sterling Centre 11 Cheung Ye Street Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Country/ Region:
Hong Kong
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