Ta I Button Co Limited

Hong Kong

We are a leading manufacturer of buttons and garment accessories to markets all over the world. With more than 20 years' Experience in this field, we have establised a good reputation. Our factories are located in China and Taiwan and by using the latest computerized machinery from Europe, we bring out reliable and excellent products. Moreover, with our sales offices distributed in Hong Kong ,... See more

Company Information

Nature of Business:
Major Markets:
Africa, Australasia, Central & South America, Eastern Europe, Japan, Korea, Mainland China, Middle East, North America, Other Asian Countries, Scandinavia, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Western Europe
Main Categories:
Clothing/ Garments
Number of Staff (HK):
11 - 15
Year of Establishment:

Company Award/ Qualification

- ISO 9002 Quality Certification


Contact Person:
Miss Ju-Yu Tsai
General Manager
Office Address:
Unit F, 3/F Hop Hing Ind Bldg 704 Castle Peak Rd Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Country/ Region:
Hong Kong
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