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Chaaya Group HK Limited

Chaaya Group HK Limited

Hong Kong



ISO 22000
ISO 22000

Supplier info last updated: 13 Dec 2023

Advertise since: 5 Dec 2022


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Disclaimer of D&B Checked service
1. Limitation of Liability

1.1 It is the D&B Checked Customer's sole responsibility to ensure that the Checked Profile is accurate and up-to-date;

1.2 D&B shall not have any liability towards any third party for any loss or damage such third party suffers by relying on the Checked Profile and the D&B Checked Customer further acknowledges and agrees that D&B will not indemnify the D&B Checked Customer in the event any third party claims against the D&B Checked Customer for any loss and damage suffered arising out of or in connection with such third party's reliance on the Checked Profile;

1.3 D&B shall not in any circumstances have any liability for any claim for loss of profits or anticipated savings, loss of goodwill or injury to reputation, loss of business opportunity, punitive damages, losses suffered by third party or indirect, consequential or special loss or damage regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, strict liability or tort (including negligence), and regardless of whether D&B knew or had reason to know of the possibility of the loss, injury or damage in question. Such exclusions will apply to the fullest extent permissible at law but D&B does not exclude liability for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of D&B or its Affiliates, its employees or agents, or for fraud.

Company Information
Verified on 04 Jul 2024 by
Company Name:
Chaaya Group HK Limited
Company Nature of Business:
Company Year of Establishment:
Contact Person Name:
Ms Sandy Li
Company Address:
Flat 2009, 20/F., Laurels Industrial Centre, 32 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Contact Information:
Business/Company Registration:
Disclaimer for “Certificate Verification Services” provided by Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Limited (hereinafter named “Intertek”)
This Certificate Verification Service (hereinafter called “Verification”) is made solely on the basis of information and materials supplied by Advertiser (Applicant). Intertek relies exclusively on the accuracy and completeness of the information provided to us, and has not undertaken any separate verification of the information contained therein. Intertek provides no warranty and is not responsible for the authenticity, completeness and accuracy of the information.

Intertek does not endorse, represent or warrant any product, process or service of the Advertiser. The Verification only reflects our findings for the Advertiser in concern on the date and does not discharge or release Advertiser from legal obligations and duties to any other person. The Verification is not intended to be a recommendation for any particular course of action, reader is responsible for acting as to see fit on the basis. Intertek accepts no responsibility to any parties whatsoever, following the issue of the information, for any matters arising.

The Advertiser shall indemnify and hold harmless Intertek from and against any and all claims, suits, liabilities (including costs of litigation and attorney’s fees) arising, directly or indirectly, out of or in connection with the services provided.

Except where explicitly agreed in writing, all work and services performed by Intertek is subject to our standard Terms and Conditions which can be obtained at our website: Intertek Standard Terms and Conditions of Services (China) . Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the Application Form.
Verified on 14 Dec 2023 by
Certification Verified by
Certificate Name
Issued By
Certificate Type
Valid Date
Certificate of ISO22000
ISO 22000
ISO 22000

26 Oct 2024

Certificate of ISO22000
Issued By:
Certificate Type:
ISO 22000
ISO 22000
Valid Date:

26 Oct 2024

Certificate of HACCP

26 Oct 2024

Certificate of HACCP
Issued By:
Certificate Type:
Valid Date:

26 Oct 2024

Food Factory License
Food and Enviroment Hygiene Deparment

15 Jan 2025

Food Factory License
Issued By:
Food and Enviroment Hygiene Deparment
Certificate Type:
Valid Date:

15 Jan 2025

Monde Selection 2023 銀獎
Monde Selection
Monde Selection 2023 銀獎
Issued By:
Monde Selection
Certificate Type:
Valid Date:

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