This is a microwave sensor switches controlled LED lights, the microwave sensor was built into the lamp, it has 96pcs high brightness LEDs inside by SMD2835, with total power of 20 watts. Power consumption of LED bulb light is just 20% of the traditional incandescent lamp, the microwave sensor switch is a new type automatic switch that comes after voice switch, and infrared sensor switch.The detection way has the below advantages. compared with other as follows:
Features and Functions:
Adopting LED SMD2835 as light source. Energy-saving, environment protecting and long life.
Using constant current to drive, Low working voltage, Low power consumption, good color saturation. secure and reliable.
Simple installation and easy wiring.
Transmission power only 0.3 mW, It will not harm the human body.
Color effects: White (according to your different scene demand, , we can configure for you different color temperature of LED light source)
We adopt this sensitive advanced sensor switche in lighting control, enabling the light to turn on automatically when one comes, automatically turn off when one goes out.
The lighting has light sensitivity settings: it will be bright for about 30 seconds when people come near within 6-8 meters on condition that the illumination outside is under 10LX, this function closes automatically when the illumination is over 10LX, totally not affected by noise or surrounding factors.
Led microwave sensor light can work in a bright environment, we must be cancel the photoresistance.if the led MC sensor ceiling light with photoresistance, so it will be work under 10lux.
the built-in microwave sensor switch can penetrate plastic, glass, wood. so Led ceilling light with microwave sensor with high sensitivity.
Technology parameter.
Name 20w led ceilling with microwave sensor.
Brand (Origin) Zhonglianzhan (Shenzhen).
Source SMD2835 By TAIWAN Epistar.
Power Consumption 20W.
Lighting Source LED=0.2W.
LED Quantity 96PCS.
LED Color White (2700-3000K, 3000k-3300k, 4000-4500k, 5500-6000k).
PCB Excellent thermal conductivity of aluminum plate.