This anti-counterfeiting label is easily recognizable by consumers. It allows the consumers to identify the exclusive and outstanding security feature by their naked eyes. The label is designed with innovative cutting-edge technology and cannot be replicated or imitated by others.
There are four outstanding counterfeit proof security features on the image above.
Dynamic continuous size zooming: when slightly rotate the label left-right, the cross in the middle of the image changes from small to large. See the left picture and the right picture.
Dynamic gradual color morphing: when slightly tilt the label left and right, the color on the circle continuously changes from red to white.
Translucent inter-dynamic image overlapping: one can see the bottom ribbon through the translucent top ribbon. They are inter-related overlapping.
Smooth continuous 3D image: the green ribbon is a smooth 3D image consisting of a true 3-dimensional wreath.
Red Hawk Eye Antifakeology products stand out.
Exclusive and distinguishing security features.
High tech with affordable cost.
The advanced Antifakeology creates security features that only our digital product engineers can create in a particular computer.
Irreversible, path dependent processing.
Translucent overlapped layer inter-dynamic 3D image.
Un-synchronized multi-region continuous multi-color morphing: Red Hawk Eye provides wide range of counterfeit proof solutions to our customers worldwide.