TURBO builders bog is a polyester based paste and hardener. The paste and hardener are supplied separately, and once mixed is becomes a user friendly filler which is ideal to repair damaged timber, masonry, fiberglass and plaster real fast. It moulds like putty and can set hard within minutes. Can be used inside or outside and can be painted within the hour. Do not replace those expensive wooden parts; repair them with TURBO builders bog!
TURBO builders bog is economical and strong when filling large holes in timber. Typical examples are rotten window sills, knot holes in fences, holes in walls, floors and worn door corners and door frames. You can vary the ratio of putty to hardener and speed up or slow down how fast the putty cures, to suit the job you are doing. The light pick colour variations indicate how fast or slow it will cure. TURBO builders bog go through curing stages and can be wiped off, spread by putty knife, shaped and cut while it cures, and it will result in a hard smooth sandable surface when completely cured. Then it can be painted. Similar to wood you can drill into it, saw it, screw and hit nails into it when fully cured.
TURBO builders bog has been successfully used by professional builders and DIY home owners since 1982!