Accuracy of a single scan no more than 0.10mm Speed of a single scan no more than 8s Turntable auto scan no more than 2min Dot spacing 0.17, 0.20mm
Maximum range
Turn table auto-scan: 220 x 220 x 210mm free scan:740*740*740mm Camera 3 million pixels industrial color camera Illumination White light Scanning mode Turntable auto scan, free scan Scanning method Non-contact grating surface scanning Splicing mode Auto turntable splicing and marker splicing
Data format STL, ASC, OBJ, PLY, VTX, OFF Direct printing of data output Third-party software is not required. Complete STL models can be output directly and 3D printing can be performed directly.
Colored texture Compatible, 24 true color Recommended PC configuration Windows7 or above, 64-bit operating system, Intel standard voltage CPU, RAM 4G or above, at least one USB interface for scanning use Turntable size R=120mm, H=65mm