- Heart.Zone offers continuous ECG monitoring technology for earphones.
- It does not affect audio performance. User can enjoy music, talk on a microphone and record ECG simultaneously.
- Heart.Zone's ECG technology uses pure electrical contacts in the ears and on the skin. Sweat, hair, skin color or wobbling due to motion do not affect the quality of heart monitoring.
Heart.Zone's continuous ECG monitoring technology is integrated in a micro-module HZEP6.7:
- Dimensions: 4.5 x 20 x 3 mm;
- Ultra-low power: 300 uW
- Supply voltage: 1.8V – 5.0V
- Supply current: 200 uA;
Connecting pads:
- 3 electrodes
- Mic+, Mic-
- Power
Powered from:
- Coin cell battery (CR2032)
- Rechargeable battery (Bluetooth® for earphones)
- Apple® Lightning®
- USB Type-C
Heart.Zone's continuous ECG monitoring technology for earphones can be used for sports, health monitoring and in telemedicine.
Heart.Zone's ECG technology uses electrical contacts.
- The 1st electrode contact is in the ear with the help of conductive soft in-ear inserts.
- The 2nd electrode contact is on a chest or the back side of the user. The chest electrode could be a stainless-steel plate connected via isolated wire to the HZEP6.7 module, Ch connector.
The chest electrode Ch should be attached to the skin on the chest around xiphisternum, so it is not moved during user’s motion. For women it could be tacked under the bra, for men it requires a tight top or fasten with an elastic chest belt.
Voice and ECG signal are transmitted via a microphone line. Microphone line can be connected to a phone via wired connection or to the Bluetooth® module. It can be used only with A2DP Bluetooth® earphone modules.
HZEP6.7 ECG micro-module is engineered for easy integration with most wired and wireless earphone designs.