- Relaxing Eye Pillow is blended of Thai natural aromatic herbs with pure essential oils.
- Relieve to tired eyes and busy mind.
- Induce deep relaxation or sleeping.
- Relieve tension headache.
- Soothe your emotion from natural ingredients.
Benefits of Thai Herbs
- Kaffir Lime: uplifting, natural cleanser, deodorizer, stimulant appetizer, astringent, antiseptic, antibacterial antiamebic, anti-tumor, disinfectant and hypotensive activity.
- Lemongrass: refreshing, stimulating, relieve headaches and mental fatigue, improve muscle tone circulation and muscle pain.
- Turmeric: relieve anxiety stress, nervous fatigue, physical and mental depression, anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant, analgesic.
- Cassumunar: relieve sore muscles, reduce fever, antiseptic, an analgesic, nourish the skin leaving it smooth and fair, relaxing and fresh feeling.
- Tamarind Leaves: antiseptic, treating burn, cooling and antibilious, treating infections, cold and fever.
Product Description
How to use
Place the eye pillow in a microwave oven and set for 45-60 seconds to heat up for the first time. Apply for 30-45 seconds when continuously use. Place the "Relaxing Eye Pillow" over your closed eyes, lie back to relax eye muscles. Pure herbs inside the warm "Relaxing Eye Pillow" soothe your emotions and feelings of the aroma from exotic land.
Thai Rice, Kaffir lime, Lemongrass, Tamarind leaves, Tumeric, Cassumunar, Sea Salt, Pure Essential Oil
*CAUTIONS OF HOT!! Do not use herbal eye pillow that heat too hot on direct skin, please wait until hot reduce or use towel for cover your skin before place herbal eye pillow.
* For swelling and muscle inflammation in first 24 hours, please do not use herbal eye pillow to avoid serious inflammation happen.