- Ryu no Hitomi 龍の瞳rare rice-希有大米-hashishimo初霜-北海道米Hokkado rice-全日本大米可供-offer all of kinds japan rice
- Ryu no Hitomi is a rare rice breed cultivated in the unique Japanese climate. It delivers a sweet taste with good stickiness while its softness and aroma remain even after chilled. With the strict regulations of cultivation method and selection process, only the rice passing all the standards of quality, taste and size of grain can be distributed.
- 龍の瞳大米是在岐阜月光大米的农田里,意外被发现的,为目前世界颗粒最大的上等大米, 供皇室使用。特点:颗粒是月光的 1.5 倍,香,黏,饭冷后米粒不会变硬,营养极其丰富。
• A rare rice breed from Japan.
• Cultivated in the unique Japanese climate.
• Deliver a sweet taste with good stickiness.
• Remain soft and aromatic even after chilled.
• Nutrient-rich food.
• Become famous for being award winners in a variety of contests.
• Meet organic Japan Agricultural standard.
- 岐阜県を代表するお米。初霜の降りるころに収穫されたことから「ハツシモ」と名づけられています。炊き上がりの美しさが特徴、作付け1位の品種です。
- Hatsushimo (First Frost) Rice is harvested at the beginning of each autumn harvest after first frost, so it was called the first frost. Because of its long growth cycle, after a hot summer and frost, the taste is extremely delicious.
- 初霜是初秋第一次降霜之后开始收割,所以命名初霜。因其生长周期较长,经过炎热夏天和霜冻,所以味道极其鲜美。
- Nanatsuboshi北海道ななつぼし
- Nanatsuboshi is the variety with the largest yield of any Hokkaido-grown rice. It cooks up plumply and with a glossy finish, providing a perfect balance of stickiness and sweetness, which is a combination enjoyed by many Japanese consumers. This variety goes well with any type of cuisine. It is also delicious when served cold, making it ideal for bento and sushi.
- Yumepirika北海道ゆめぴりか
- Yumepirika is a high end variety that has received acclaim as the culmination of breeding technologies applied to Hokkaido-grown rice. Known for its rich sweetness and sticky texture, Yumepirika's quality is managed according to rigorous standards. Yumepirika is best enjoyed plain.
- Fukkurinko 北海道ふっくりんこ
- Fukkurinko offers a plump texture and glossy finish that all rice aspires for. Born in the Southern Hokkaido region, only Fukkurinko rice that receives the certification mark after passing rigorous quality standards determined among producers is shipped to consumers. This rice goes great with fish dishes and also in onigiri and other Japanese foods.