Magazine with belly band - the cover of a magazine or book is the most obvious packaging cue: it features multiple visual and textual elements (e.g. colors and images, author, title, etc.) that attract the consumer's attention, with a complementary packaging cue using a "belly band": a colorful strip of paper wrapped around the books. Belly bands are widely used as advertising tools and include multiple sensory elements - background color, images and printed text, while the text usually takes the form of an introduction: an important statement about the author or the book contents. Also, an important expression that distinguishes countries and regions themselves. Contact us today to get a quote and get started on your book or magazine.
個人, 入口代理, 入口商, 公營機構, 其他, 出口代理, 出口商, 分銷商, 宗教團體, 專業協會, 工商組織, 慈善/福利組織, 批發商, 採購合作社, 採購辦事處, 服務行業公司, 製造商, 購物商場, 郵購公司, 零售商