Turns MicroSD (HC) card into MS Pro Duo card at a reduced cost.
Dual slots are able to hold two cards at the same time.
Cards of different capacities and types can be used concurrently.
Works well with only one card for added flexibility.
Cards can be exchanged and maximum capacity can be updated any time.
Made of high-quality components that preserve the original speed of the MicroSD (HC) cards.
Incredibly fast read/write speeds that measure 10MB/s and up.
When two different cards are used, the card with slower rate sets the data transfer speed.
How to use CR-5400:
When using new MicroSD (HC) card(s), it needs to be formatted with a Sony product before storing data.
Card must be inserted to slot 1 if only one card is used.
When using a card reader, always insert the memory cards into CR-5400 adapter first.
Do not take out the cards and perform direct write operation from PC to single card(s). If not, your data will be corrupted.
When reusing your MicroSD (HC) cards with devices other than CR-5400:
If you have formatting problems (e.g. only half of the original capacity), please format this card(s) in slot 1 of CR-5400 adapter and keep slot 2 empty.
You should be able to use your MicroSD (HC) card(s) in other devices again.