PocoTEA by Hoga 1 sachets (2.0gm)
Benefits • Regulate Blood Glucose Levels • Reduce Production of Uric Acid • Relieve Anxiety & Helps Improve Sleep
HOGA Gaharu Tea is a soothing beverage with a distinctively aromatic fragrance, a neutral tone and a lingering bitter-sweetness that stays at the tip of your tongue long after consumption. Akin to its clear golden color, the tea is intensely flavorsome yet refreshingly light in taste, which makes it suitable for drinking any time of the day.
PocoTEA 沉香茶 1袋 (2.0gm)
功效 • 调和血糖水平 • 降低尿酸 • 松弛神经及改善失眠
HOGA 沉香茶口感温润香滑,醇厚甘和,香气四溢,香中混合着持有沉香的独特芳香,屬于一种舒缓的饮品,饮后有种挥之不去的苦甜味口感。此茶配方适合于常期饮用。