The Vmax Robot is the most advanced technology in the world for Automated Stock Retrieval Systems.
His multi-picking head improves greatly the speed of the delivery of goods as the speed of the loading of the products put in the storage area.
The Vmax has the capacity to take in charge several thousands of different references without loosing any efficiency with a 100% accuracy in the picking for delivery.
The chaotic way of storage from the Robot allows it to use the available space in the most effective way. With for example contact lenses boxes, you can store up to 4000 boxes per square meter.
The solution proposed by RAX is a totally flexible solution. The Vmax can be 5 to 15 meters long as 2.5 to 3.5 meters high. You can also use more than one Vmax at the same time. If your storage needs are high, you can have as many robots as you need.
With this solution, RAX has the possibility to help you to improve the efficiency of your company.