The tin material is made from the high quality Japan made steel plate and paint, followed by antirust coating, and the excellent paint technology. High heat oven comes out with the perfect product. Due to the highly calculated compressor, leaves zero stretch marks, which often occur from overstressing the metal. Product variety and quality is guaranteed no matter what. All ingredients are from within Japan; leaving no strange odor inside the container, airtight shut to always keep the humidity inside the container at the right level.
原料採用日本純正優質鋼板及日本產環保油墨、防銹塗料,精良印刷。通過精準計算, 用50噸衝壓機準確成型,再經過日本制環保漆均勻噴制、適時烘烤後完美出品。內外絲毫沒有金屬疲勞產生的橫紋。模具套件複雜、齊備,製造精度極高。成型後的茶罐完美圓滑。原料純正,食品級別,毫無異味,緊密封閉,保持罐內乾燥。