・denim,nylon,kimono,leather/デニム ナイロン 着物 革
・W:30c H:19c D:2~7~3c
・¥ 33,800 yen
・We are sure that you can enjoy the accordance of an exquisite tone of all-handmade patch-worked denim fabric and materials in this bag.
・I’m proudly present you the one of our brand, Palaina.L.O., product.
Here’s the Teardrop Shaped ‘Hagi-Hagi’ Shoulder Bag which made of denim.
We tore up denim into small strips, then re-arranged and put them together into a sheet of fabric. This process took us a lot of time, because the pieces of fabric can’t be the same.
Whenever we do this process, we try to find the best way to express our image through the texture. So each of our product is the one and only.
To make use of its natural taste, we leave all edges of strips unfinished
The more you use it, the more exquisite it becomes.
Why do we name it Teardrop?
You’ll find the answer if you look this bag from the side.
Seen from the side, it looks like a teardrop shape.
It looks rather refined and narrow than it really is.