Bringing the timeless charm of Warner Bros.' classic animation Tom and Jerry to life, this exciting new blind box collection features Tom and Jerry dressed as a variety of adorable animals! Each style showcases the beloved Tom or Jerry with playful animal costumes, including a panda, red panda, sea lion, penguin, and more, brings you a delightful unboxing experience.
Standing approximately 15cm tall, each figure is designed with a soft vinyl face that captures their expressive features in details. The body is made of plush fabric, offering a soft and cuddly texture that's perfect for fans and collectors alike.
This blind box collection consists of 4 standard versions and 1 hidden version. Each box is randomly packed, giving you mystery and excitement during your collecting journey, challenge yourself for luck in collection!
Don't miss out on the opportunity to own this charming set of classic characters reimagined in adorable animal costumes!