*100% drugs free, contains Far Infrared Ray and effective bio information codes to strengthen cardiovascular system, regulate hypertension, improve blood vessels elasticity, promote blood circulation while increase oxygen utilization efficiency and detoxification.
*Embrace Natural Science to promote health and vitality.
*Certified by the China Association of Research & Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the World Federation of Acupuncture Moxibustion Society as effective bio-signal, non-invasive therapeutic products.
*Internationally accredited by the Nissenken Quality & Evaluation Centre and Beijing National Institute of Metrology to have achieved over 90% Far Infra-red Ray emission rate.
*Certified by the Chinese University of Hong Kong of not containing any hazardous radioactive substances.
*Certified by USA TRA to be safe and contains no allergic substances
*Certified by the HK Standard and Testing Centre to contain no hazardous substances
*Certified by HK Youwin Health Centre to have achieved the fastest & most outstanding results in boosting human general health index
*Invented and made in Hong Kong
(1) Best use for people who need to work long hours/night shifts and suffered from hyper-tension
(2) Use one XyberActive daily to achieve the best result.