購買Zultan-i ®寶石的最主要原因
Zultan-i ® is extremely rare gemstone which has amazing natural color changing abilities that makes it well suited to savvy as connoisseurs. As you watch its colors change from kiwi champagne to raspberry. Relatiely new for the jewelry World. Zultan-i ®是一種極為罕見的寶石,它具有神奇的自然變色能力,所以極受精明的珠寶鑒賞家喜愛及珍藏。 您可以看到它的顏色從獼猴顏色變到覆盆子顏色,定必成為珠寶界的新寵兒。
Zultan-i ® 100% natural beauty. The pinnacle of exclusivity, beauty, rarity, and desirability. Zultan-i ® is a rising star in fine jewelry due to its sparklingly brilliant tranquil colors.Zultan-i ®的美是全天然,無需任何加工已達到巔峰之美,極其稀有,值得擁有。 Zultan-i ®的顏色在於其光芒燦爛中又帶著安寧的感覺,就像一粒初露光芒﹑冉冉升起的明星。
Cat’ s Eye貓的眼睛
Zultan-i ® also possess the coveted cat’ s eye effect. Chatoyancy or the cat’ s eye effect is a reflection effect that appears as a single bright band of light across the surface of a gemstone. İt is caused by the reflection of light by parallel inclusions.Zultan-i ®還擁有令人垂涎的貓眼石效果。 貓眼效應或貓眼反射效應,就像穿透寶石而從表面散發的光芒。這種光芒是由平行的夾雜物的光的反射引起的。
Color Change顏色變化
Zultan-i ® color change gems Show different colors when viewed under different light sources such as as sunlight and indoor light. Astonishingly beautiful, exotic and rare.
Zultan-i ®在不同光源照射下,如陽光和室內光線,顏色的變化會呈現出不同的顏色和光芒, 令人驚嘆的美麗,異常迷人及罕見。