Build lincang to the world-class big tea garden, Wujuenong in the Yunnan Province city dongxiang nations 1500-2200 meter of the mountains, grows a one Hundred years old tea tree, to ensurethat this original ecological old tree, hong kong famous doctor doctor lapshun cho chairman and wujuenong of tea limited Company, Mr. Chong contribution to adopt 1000 trees of 500 years to 1200 of old tea trees, and rational development, promote local economic decelopment.
The plant kingdom one thousand years ole tree green cake using the old tree tea as raw material, with Wujuenong experts formulation and process essence the quality supervision and iunspection by guang zhou institute of processing foodquality supervisior and inspection national testing center, to achieve the national organic the standard.
The feature of plant kingdom one thousand years old tree: the Stronger of the cable, the Concentrate shows yellow-bright infusion, the smell of flavour and heavy handed, scent the overflow, witter cup bottom have light fragrance. The plate is fragrance unique characteristices as long, with light air, taste mellow and taste is full-bodied, such as drink nectar, surely stay jossstick. As refreshing tea, is a treasured aand relatives and friends of top grade.