南部鐵器,日本岩手縣的著名特產,用傳統鑄造法,以及使用手工打造的生鐵製品。它是一種具有古老傳統與技術的鐵器,特別是自南部藩主- 南部利之直公以來,即被當成特產。此種作品具有優良的鑄鐵及傳統的技術,其古典的鐵肌及樸素的型態被當成是一種純日式的創作,在日本相當受到重視。鐵壺煮水能夠提高水溫,而且蓄熱能力強,可以充分軟化水質,特別適合泡老茶或煮茶使用,尤其是普洱茶。使用鐵壺煮過的水能夠釋放出二價鐵離子,形成山泉效應,使水口感厚實、飽滿順滑。泡茶可有效去除茶中的黴味。飲用鐵壺煮的水有很好的養生保健作用。鐵壺受熱後會釋放出大量的二價鐵,與茶中的單寧酸、茶多酚等作用,能補充人體所需的鐵元素。
Nambu Tekki traces its origins back to the 17th century, maintaining its traditions while meeting the challenges of modern design. It now includes contemporary color variations and new styles adapted to use with popular Induction Heating systems. Simple design and subtle decoration give Nambu Tekki its distinctive character. Production of this traditional ironware began as a result of growing need for tea utensils, which is why it is often identified with the tetsubin (iron kettle) and kyusu (teapot). High-quality iron is the main material of Nambu Tekki. Since this ironware dissolves bivalent iron into boiled water, it helps supplement iron in the diet. It's said that this ironware effectively removes chlorine from tap water and gives it a mellow taste. Thus, this traditional design combines high performance with unexpected practical benefits.