- 適用痛症:肩痛、頸梗、肌似疲勞疼痛、風濕痛、關節痛、腰痛、毆痛、扭傷及神經痛、肌肉僵硬、凍傷及抽筋疼痛。
- 功能:緩解肌肉疲勞和全身疼痛
- 禁忌:孩子不宜 孕婦不宜
- 用法:只供外用
Pictured is a bottle of medicated oil made with natural Chinese herbs. The oil is especially effective on bruises and swollen wounds. It helps in muscle fatigue and blood circulation.
- Relieve muscle fatigue and general pain.
- Not to be used on kids and pregnant ladies.
- All natural ingredients.
- Use externally.
- Registered Chinese medicine.
- Made in Hong Kong.
- Available in various packages.