【主治】脾胃虛弱 胸膈痞滿 減輕胃酸 減少氣脹
【功能】制酸歛血 綬急止痛
- 適合:關注胃酸過多 泛酸 暖氣 疼痛等胃痛症胃及十二指腸潰瘍人仕
- 用法:成人口服 每次二粒 溫開水送服
- 用量:一日二次 飯後每次二粒
- 禁忌:產婦不宜 忌食辛辣刺激性食物 忌煙酒生冷食物 體弱無積濟勿服
- 規格:膠囊每粒0.6克 每瓶50粒 淨重30克
This bottle of Chinese medicinal pills helps relieve stomach discomforts caused by excessive gastric acid. The natural herbal formula is gentle and effective. The pills also help to ease burping conditions and spleen-stomach problems.
- To be taken with warm water.
- 0.6g per capsule.
- 50 capsules per bottle.
- Net weight: 30g.
- Registered Chinese medicine.
- Made in Hong Kong.
- Available in various packages.